
Choice of 2 Weight Loss Systems

You can use PSTEC on it's own or combine it with EFT or NLP etc
Just decide which is best for you...

OPTION 1: Achieve Your Natural Weight !

how to lose weight

Uses PSTEC, EFT, Hypnosis etc.
Highly recommended PSTEC/EFT based system.
For full details visit this link:
Achieve Your Natural Weight with PSTEC


Ever wondered why that weight doesn't stay off ? This huge package has lots of very special tracks designed  to help you achieve the easy and sustained weight loss you crave. Get special weight loss click tracks because you want to lose weight in a successful and lasting way and to eliminate your unconscious bad habits. 

- Do you eat things, at the same time telling yourself you shouldn't ?
- Are you often eating without thinking ?
- Are you eating when you're not hungry ?
- Are you over eating ?
- Are you buying foods that you know you shouldn't ?
- Are you eating until you are stuffed full, instead of stopping before that ?
- Do you eat when stressed or emotional ?
If you have answered "yes" to any of these then perhaps the battle is not so much 
with food but more the battle with your subconscious and what it's been doing.
PSTEC is designed to be the most powerful way for you to change those things.
By all means make the effort to lose weight and also to eat sensibly as you use 
this program, but at the same time allow the PSTEC tools to create the change
 you need...Loose That Weight ! 
The PSTEC Easy Weight Loss 
Power Upgrade Audio Package
**This is a download in MP3 and PDF formats** 
Weight loss tutorial part 1 (mp3) 
Weight loss tutorial part 2 (mp3) 
Weight loss tutorial part 3 (mp3) 
Weight loss tutorial part 4 (mp3) 
"START HERE" (pdf)
The 5 Golden Statements" (pdf) 
 Weight loss PSTEC click track 1 (mp3) 
 Weight loss PSTEC click track 2 (mp3) 
 Weight loss PSTEC click track 3 (mp3) 
 Weight loss PSTEC click track 4 (mp3) 
Weight lossPSTEC click track 5 (mp3)
The slimming loop (track 6) (mp3)
( also included are the standard PSTEC Click Tracks 
 because they are a pre-requisite to use this system...) 
Inside are 6 mp3 files:
                                                      1. Instructions
                                                      2. FAQ's
                                                      3. Panic Attacks Special
                                                      4.-5. PSTEC Click Tracks 1 and 2 
                                                      6. and The Next Step.
  Only $33.97 ! 
(Download Size Approx 54mb)
No Waiting !
Collection is quick and easy and you can get this in the next few minutes. 
After you purchase you'll instantly be directed to a special page created 
just for you, where you can download this system immediately.
Unless otherwise stated, the opinions expressed 
both here and on the audios are those of the author. 
With regard to the PSTEC Weight Loss Tracks therefore, 
no claim is made about results any particular 
individual can expect, nor is any warranty implied. 


Why 80-90% of all diets fail 

and leave a trail of frustrated, 

desperate and discouraged

 people behind ?

 In other words, most people 

cannot stick to a diet…period.

Let me tell you why…

If a diet or exercise program fails, it’s because the first 

AND MOST IMPORTANT step is ignored.

To experience and enjoy…yes, I said ENJOY :- ) achieving your natural weight, YOU MUST address these issues… these barriers… otherwise, you will continue to sabotage yourself and never be truly successful in your weight loss desires.
So, you may be asking…

What’s the solution?

What’s that first Step?

 How can I turn this around and
achieve my natural weight … AND… STAY THERE!

Let me give you the answer right away…You must find and remove or heal the causes of your emotional and comfort eating because they lead to overeating and weight gain.
Sounds simple, right? 

It could be simple, but obviously it’s not easy, otherwise the hundreds… or thousands … of diets that are being peddled about in the market would produce better results than a near 90% failure rate.
The majority of diets and programs are not addressing the subconscious, the emotional causes of eating. So, dieters continue to lose the battle.
But resolving the following barriers is exactly what Achieve Your Natural Weight is targeting with the various tools, programs and methods…
Achieve Your Natural Weight
  • Releasing emotional reasons for overeating so that you can begin and continue to make progress.
  • Stopping food cravings for junk food, sweets, chocolate… anything that keeps you from losing weight.
  • Shifting your thoughts and desires around the idea of exercise.
  • Raising your self worth and esteem so that you can begin to actually see the vision of your natural weight.
  • Release the emotions of depression, frustration,
  •  anger and other disempowering emotions that
  •  keep the pounds on.
  • … and much, much more.
Sally Baker and Liz Hogon, professionally recognized and credentialed therapists as well as co- authors of Achieve Your Natural Weight), have not only compiled the tools necessary for you to begin to solve the problem of emotional eating, but they have put together programs to assist you along the way in Achieve Your Natural Weight.
If you are familiar with PSTEC (Percussive Suggestion Technique), then you are familiar with the creator of PSTEC, Tim Phizackerley.  Here is what Tim has to say about Achieve Your Natural Weight…
Dear Sally and Liz ,
I know you’re both very expert on weight loss …, this book is truly amazing.  Your readers will love this.  I like the way you examine PSTEC, EFT and Hypnotherapy in turn. You then show how to use them to remove the reasons for obesity. Your book is very clear and your expertise on weight loss really shows on every page. Readers will enjoy the clear explanations and will be able to make use of them almost instantly.  Including access to your video sequences, MP3 downloads and PDF resources are a brilliant addition too. Just follow the steps and “hey presto” – success should follow.
Your Tap.Eat.Step approach to successful and sustained weight loss is something everyone should know about.   Yours is an important new development for successful weight loss.  You have come up with a new and effective way for people to achieve their natural weight, extend life expectancy and, most importantly of all, improve the quality of life too.
Tim Phizackerley
Creator of PSTEC

You will receive…
  • The Achieve Your Natural Weight eBook (over 100 pages) as a pdf download.
  • 4 Videos that will walk you through various methods and cover the following: EFT Instructions, Shallow Breathing, Metabolism Booster and Collapsing Food Cravings.
  • 6 pdf forms to help keep you on track.
  • 3 hypnotic audio tracks: Shrink Your Stomach, Anxiety Buster and Slimmer You.
  • Free PSTEC Audio Package, featuring the PSTEC Basic Click Tracks.
  • Discount prices on products for Enhanced Body Care Program of Detox Body Oil and body brushes with full instructions.

 All that for only 


Achieve Your Natural Weight
If you are still struggling with your weight loss challenges whether you are dealing with a large amount of weight or only 10-30 pounds would you feel more comfortable calling in a professional to help you along the way?
Would it give you more hope to have an experienced and credentialed practitioner help you to FINALLY get the better of this weight problem?
Sally and Liz are experts in this field and have not only authored this book for everyone who is struggling with weight loss issues, but they have also expanded their offering of various tools, instructions and techniques to help you FINALLY begin to get a handle on your weight loss challenges… and… they have put it together in an easy to use Member’s Area so you have private access to the basic tools to overcome emotional eating and comfort eating.

Of course, skepticism and doubt are understandable, but let’s find out what a few people have to say about their PSTEC weight loss successes with Sally and Liz…

No-one is more surprised than me. I get on the scales every week and every week I’ve lost a few more pounds. I kept waiting for it to stop working – nothing works for me – but this does and the weight is still coming off me!”
Alice W.

‘I don’t even notice the biscuits and cakes at work now. It’s not like I feel I‘m denying myself. It’s hard to put my finger on it, but I don’t even notice them anymore. It feels easy; I’m just not interested in eating that kind of stuff anymore.’
Harry B.

‘I have a meal and I’m enjoying eating it as usual. After a while I look at the food and think to myself – you know what, I don’t want any more. It feels like I’m really smiling inside because it just feels natural and easy to leave it – nothing at all to do with will-power.’
Jayne D.

‘I’ve had big emotional overeating issues for all of my 58 years and I was feeling resigned to becoming an unhealthy and overweight 60 years old. Various changes in my life had made my problem seem quite insurmountable, but thanks to your help I have lost 18lbs so far. I really feel now that next summer’s big event will be the milestone birthday of a newly slim 60 year old!’
Lorraine S.

‘Working with PSTEC and EFT has changed my life! I’ve lost 7 kilos in 8 weeks, am happier than I have been in a long time and I am taking control of my life at last. I would recommend working this way without hesitation – it has worked for me on so many levels!’
Rhona U.

“I had tried all the diets. I could not lose weight. My only course of action was surgery and a gastric band. On the recommendation of my GP, I contacted Sally Baker with a view to having a series of Hypnotherapy sessions to have a hypno-gastric band. A gastric band without the surgery. I am a naturally sceptical person and was apprehensive about submitting myself to hypnosis. 

A combination of the procedure, dietary advice and motivation has helped me to lose 15kg in 3 months. No starving was necessary, no post-operative side effects only the satisfaction of reducing my weight. I am very positive about a lighter, fitter future as a result of my sessions with Sally. I am very grateful to Sally for her professional help and to my GP for her recommendation. Try the therapy; you have nothing to lose but your excess weight.
Chris Truran
If you do not address the emotional reasons for over eating, emotional eating and comfort eating, then you are trying to lose weight the hard way…the wrong way.
You deserve to not only achieve your natural weight, but you also deserve to have all the advantages at your disposal.
Self Hypnosis for Weight Loss (Morning)  
|Inspired by Paul McKenna
Note: Most efficient with earphones.
Self Hypnosis for Weight Loss (Evening)

PSTEC for Weight Loss, Emotional Eating and Cravings

PSTEC for ptsd, anxiety, stress, anger, phobias and much, much more.

Sally Baker
Sally Baker
  • Advanced EFT Practitioner
  • Hypnotherapist
  • Advanced PSTEC Practitioner 
  • Advanced Certificate in Education (sates 1,2,3)
I am particularly interested in the mind-body connection and how long term stress shows up physically in a person from simple skin disorders, or impaired fertility through to serious chronic diseases. I have worked successfully with many clients to alleviate their physical symptoms and make profound shifts in their self-thinking and self-beliefs.
If you are exhausted beating yourself up with negativity, self-blame and anger or punishing yourself with self-destructive behaviour then it’s time to invest in you and get clear.

The therapies I work with are powerful. They can create rapid and enduring change in as few as six sessions. This is not talking therapy that goes on for month after month. I offer everyone interested in my work to meet for a free one hour consultation. This is an opportunity to meet & for me to begin to find out more about you and for me to explain how I work. There is no obligation for either of us to commit unless we both agree we feel we can work productively together to create the changes you so deserve.
It’s up to you now to make that first call. If you are ready to change. If you’ve had enough of all that old cruddy stuff getting in your way of joy and happiness then email me or call my number.

Working with Emotional Obesity:
 What’s currently happening around food ?

During the first session I ask and listen carefully to the client’s responses to the following sort of open questions. The more emotionally articulate a client is, the less necessary it is to ask direct questions. These prompts are especially useful with clients who are dissociated, or are strongly blocked about their food issues and the originating, emotional drivers to their over-eating or self-sabotaging behaviour.

Initially with my open questions I am attempting to get a sense of my client’s relationship with food. This includes how focussed a client really is when he or she eats food, or is it something that happens in a ‘zoned’ out way. Also, I want to know how much pleasure and effort is made in the preparing and eating of food; And also to explore the dynamic of who feeds and who eats?

I also want to ascertain the part food plays in an average day. What time do they wake and when do they first eat as well as what they eat for breakfast, for instance, all hold clues to behaviour and beliefs.

I ask where are they when they eat their meals and what are they doing at the same time as eating. I ask does he/she eat anywhere else other than at a table i.e. in their car, in bed, or on the sofa while watching TV or at night standing up in the kitchen, lit by the light of the open fridge. I ask what is the atmosphere around meal times– is it a calming relaxing experience, or a tense and stressful time.

Finally, I ask if any of their eating is in secret. Although seemingly asking for factual answers, I always also ask ‘So, how does that feel?’ My imperative is to encourage the client to shift from experiencing their lives intellectually to experiencing their lives emotionally.

When they offer an emotional response I listen and then ask them if the feeling is familiar to an earlier time in their lives. Together we can use emotions to track back in time towards and to, the originating event, or events. The originating event is the key event when the resulting overeating initially made sense to the client on some level, or caused some degree of comfort, or relief during a troubling or turbulent time, or experience.

A client may disclose several aspects of their originating event which correspond with aspects of their emotional landscape and during this part of the process I am simply open to what may emerge as the client’s confidence in me and in the process grows. In response, he/she is more able and willing to get closer in touch with their more deeply buried emotions.

I set aside a double session for the beginning part of the process for the disclosures and insights to unfurl gently without restrictive time pressures. During this part of the process I am not in any rush to begin a therapeutic intervention such as PSTEC or EFT. I am merely listening, apart from perhaps asking more open questions, and occasionally encouraging the client to move towards expressing feelings rather than just facts.

 Much has been written about the curative nature of the person centred therapeutic relationship demonstrating as it does unconditional positive regard, empathy and congruence. What I am also demonstrating to the client is a willingness to bear witness and to hold a therapeutic, safe space for belief change and personal growth to take place. It is not unusual for clients to comment that they are speaking out loud for the very first time or for them to say things that they have kept secret from everyone else in their lives.

 I feel the role of bearing witness at this point is more curative then an actual therapeutic intervention and that this level of vulnerability and trust needs to be honoured and acknowledged.

Once a picture has been built that honestly reflects the client’s relationship with food I sense they are ready to work on changing their behaviour and their belief system. I know through practice that PSTEC is the quickest and most efficient way to remove emotional pain from long held beliefs or memories. However, I may choose to begin the process with EFT as it maintains the therapeutic relationship of congruence more effectively than immediately beginning with PSTEC.

 I always chose to work on the presenting issue, or the aspect of it, that has the highest SUD (Subjective Unit of Disturbance) following the well-known metaphor that taking out the tallest emotional tree in the forest will also always knock out several smaller trees as it collapses.

If working on a SUD of 8-10 I begin with several rounds of EFT until the SUD is reduced to a 2-4. I then switch to PSTEC as I know this will collapse, turn down, or remove any remaining emotional heat completely down to zero. With PSTEC I use mainly the two free tracks in many cases, and add in the accelerator tracks to keep the process fresh.

End Cravings with PSTEC and EFT

PSTEC works amazingly well with food cravings and most clients who are struggling with obesity have a food stuff that they obsess about, and binge on. I ask the client to bring in their favourite binge food for their second session and a simple twenty to thirty minute protocol that mixes PSTEC and EFT ends their craving for good. This happens even with a client who is massively conflicted about giving up one of their major ‘rewards’.

With craving work it’s important that the food-stuff in question is in the optimum size, style of packaging, or even presented at the correct temperature – i.e. is as crave-licious as is possible. I’ve had clients turn up with a whole carrier bag full of their favourite binge foods and I ask them to choose to work on the one they adore the most. 

They are amazed to experience such a strong shift in their feelings so quickly. Something they once obsessed about they very rapidly couldn’t care less about.

PSTEC Positive is a great way to end a craving session and embed a client’s own new approach to eating and making healthier food choices.


Clients who have been over-weight most of their lives find it difficult to imagine themselves at a natural, healthy weight or to get in touch with the benefits they would experience if they were slimmer and healthier. They also often feel over-whelmed at the prospect of attempting to reach and maintain a natural, healthy weight after they have often failed to achieve this so many times in their lives to date. Accessing the feelings of weight loss success are important tenants of the Law of Attraction and an important motivator for clients in continuing their weight loss journey.

PSTEC click tracks quickly and painlessly end limiting self-beliefs and feelings of failure, and or, shame attached to past unsuccessful weight loss initiatives. I ask clients to describe an ideal natural weight for themselves or their target trouser/jeans waist band (for men) or dress size (for women). Find out what works best for the client – sometimes pounds and ounces does not resonate as powerfully as wanting to fit a particular size of clothing.

This is another powerful application for PSTEC Positive to embed, in the client’s own words, their clear and focussed view of themselves at their ideal target weight and size. Hypnotherapy is also remarkably powerful in uncovering parts of the self that identify benefits in holding on to old patterns of behaviour so that these can be resolved. Hypnotherapy is of course core to the Hypno Gastric Band that takes a client through a four stage process of deep hypnosis. It is while in a deep trance induced state that a client believes they have been fitted with a gastric band that reduces the size of their stomach and makes them feel full and satisfied with reduced portions of food.


Emotional obesity is probably the most complex and challenging of presenting issues. These notes cannot encompass all of the nuances of working organically and authentically with each individual client. Sessions might also involve Time Line work, Noah St John’s Afformations, Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction, Logo- Synthesis, as well as practical support via one of Working on the Body’s Tap.Eat.Step Programmes which encompass therapy, gentle exercise programme, nutritional guide lines and a focus on self-care and improved self-regard. Since it’s launch PSTEC’s click tracks, have in a very short time, proved to be an amazingly powerful and magical set of tools in ending often years of emotional bondage and their use continues to grow within my own therapeutic practice.
Working with Emotional Obesity
The Present - What’s currently happening around food?
During the first session I ask and listen carefully to the client’s
responses to the following sort of open questions. The more
emotionally articulate a client is, the less necessary it is to ask
direct questions. These prompts are especially useful with clients
who are dissociated, or are strongly blocked about their food
issues and the originating, emotional drivers to their over-eating or
self-sabotaging behaviour.
Initially with my open questions I am attempting to get a sense of
my client’s relationship with food. This includes how focussed a
client really is when he or she eats food, or is it something that
happens in a ‘zoned’ out way. Also, I want to know how much
pleasure and effort is made in the preparing and eating of food;
And also to explore the dynamic of who feeds and who eats?
Sally Baker
Working on the Body, London
Sally Baker©2011
Do not reproduce without permission, Sally Baker©2011
I also want to ascertain the part food plays in an average day.
What time do they wake and when do they first eat as well as what
they eat for breakfast, for instance, all hold clues to behaviour and
I ask where are they when they eat their meals and what are they
doing at the same time as eating.
I ask does he/she eat anywhere else other than at a table i.e. in
their car, in bed, or on the sofa while watching TV or at night
standing up in the kitchen, lit by the light of the open fridge.
I ask what is the atmosphere around meal times– is it a calming
relaxing experience, or a tense and stressful time.
Finally, I ask if any of their eating is in secret.
Although seemingly asking for factual answers, I always also ask
‘So, how does that feel?’ My imperative is to encourage the client
to shift from experiencing their lives intellectually to experiencing
their lives emotionally.
When they offer an emotional response I listen and then ask them
if the feeling is familiar to an earlier time in their lives. Together we
can use emotions to track back in time towards and to, the
originating event, or events.
The originating event is the key event when the resulting overeating
initially made sense to the client on some level, or caused
some degree of comfort, or relief during a troubling or turbulent
time, or experience.
A client may disclose several aspects of their originating event
which correspond with aspects of their emotional landscape and
during this part of the process I am simply open to what may
emerge as the client’s confidence in me and in the process grows.
In response, he/she is more able and willing to get closer in touch
with their more deeply buried emotions.
I set aside a double session for the beginning part of the process
for the disclosures and insights to unfurl gently without restrictive
Sally Baker
Working on the Body, London
Sally Baker©2011
Do not reproduce without permission, Sally Baker©2011
time pressures. During this part of the process I am not in any rush
to begin a therapeutic intervention such as PSTEC or EFT. I am
merely listening, apart from perhaps asking more open questions,
and occasionally encouraging the client to move towards
expressing feelings rather than just facts.
Much has been written about the curative nature of the person
centred therapeutic relationship demonstrating as it does
unconditional positive regard, empathy and congruence. What I
am also demonstrating to the client is a willingness to bear witness
and to hold a therapeutic, safe space for belief change and
personal growth to take place. It is not unusual for clients to
comment that they are speaking out loud for the very first time or
for them to say things that they have kept secret from everyone
else in their lives. I feel the role of bearing witness at this point is
more curative then an actual therapeutic intervention and that this
level of vulnerability and trust needs to be honoured and
Once a picture has been built that honestly reflects the client’s
relationship with food I sense they are ready to work on changing
their behaviour and their belief system. I know through practice
that PSTEC is the quickest and most efficient way to remove
emotional pain from long held beliefs or memories. However, I may
choose to begin the process with EFT as it maintains the
therapeutic relationship of congruence more effectively than
immediately beginning with PSTEC.
I always chose to work on the presenting issue, or the aspect of it,
that has the highest SUD (Subjective Unit of Disturbance) following
the well-known metaphor that taking out the tallest emotional tree
in the forest will also always knock out several smaller trees as it
If working on a SUD of 8-10 I begin with several rounds of EFT
until the SUD is reduced to a 2-4. I then switch to PSTEC as I
know this will collapse, turn down, or remove any remaining
emotional heat completely down to zero. With PSTEC I use mainly
the two free tracks in many cases, and add in the accelerator
tracks to keep the process fresh.
Sally Baker
Working on the Body, London
Sally Baker©2011
Do not reproduce without permission, Sally Baker©2011
End Cravings with PSTEC and EFT
PSTEC works amazingly well with food cravings and most clients
who are struggling with obesity have a food stuff that they obsess
about, and binge on.
I ask the client to bring in their favourite binge food for their second
session and a simple twenty to thirty minute protocol that mixes
PSTEC and EFT ends their craving for good. This happens even
with a client who is massively conflicted about giving up one of
their major ‘rewards’.
With craving work it’s important that the food-stuff in question is in
the optimum size, style of packaging, or even presented at the
correct temperature – i.e. is as crave-licious as is possible.
I’ve had clients turn up with a whole carrier bag full of their
favourite binge foods and I ask them to choose to work on the one
they adore the most. They are amazed to experience such a
strong shift in their feelings so quickly. Something they once
obsessed about they very rapidly couldn’t care less about.
PSTEC Positive is a great way to end a craving session and
embed a client’s own new approach to eating and making healthier
food choices.
The Future - Visualisation
Clients who have been over-weight most of their lives find it
difficult to imagine themselves at a natural, healthy weight or to get
in touch with the benefits they would experience if they were
slimmer and healthier. They also often feel over-whelmed at the
prospect of attempting to reach and maintain a natural, healthy
weight after they have often failed to achieve this so many times in
their lives to date. Accessing the feelings of weight loss success
are important tenants of the Law of Attraction and an important
motivator for clients in continuing their weight loss journey.
PSTEC click tracks quickly and painlessly end limiting self-beliefs
and feelings of failure, and or, shame attached to past
unsuccessful weight loss initiatives.
Sally Baker
Working on the Body, London
Sally Baker©2011
Do not reproduce without permission, Sally Baker©2011
I ask clients to describe an ideal natural weight for themselves or
their target trouser/jeans waist band (for men) or dress size (for
women). Find out what works best for the client – sometimes
pounds and ounces does not resonate as powerfully as wanting to
fit a particular size of clothing.
This is another powerful application for PSTEC Positive to embed,
in the client’s own words, their clear and focussed view of
themselves at their ideal target weight and size.
Hypnotherapy is also remarkably powerful in uncovering parts of
the self that identify benefits in holding on to old patterns of
behaviour so that these can be resolved.
Hypnotherapy is of course core to the Hypno Gastric Band that
takes a client through a four stage process of deep hypnosis. It is
while in a deep trance induced state that a client believes they
have been fitted with a gastric band that reduces the size of their
stomach and makes them feel full and satisfied with reduced
portions of food.
Emotional obesity is probably the most complex and challenging of
presenting issues. These notes cannot encompass all of the
nuances of working organically and authentically with each
individual client. Sessions might also involve Time Line work, Noah
St John’s Afformations, Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction, Logo-
Synthesis, as well as practical support via one of Working on the
Body’s Tap.Eat.Step Programmes which encompass therapy,
gentle exercise programme, nutritional guide lines and a focus on
self-care and improved self-regard.
Since it’s launch PSTEC’s click tracks, have in a very short time,
proved to be an amazingly powerful and magical set of tools in
ending often years of emotional bondage and their use continues
to grow within my own therapeutic practice.

Learn a Weight Loss Power Word

Want to learn a “weight loss power word” to magically help the pounds melt off as you stop overeating and lose interest in fattening foods?

Here’s what one happy thinner client said about working with Sally, who uses life changing finger tapping tools like PSTEC and EFT along with Hypnosis to assist clients achieve their natural weight.
‘Working with PSTEC and EFT has changed my life! I’ve lost 7 kilos in 8 weeks, am happier than I have been in a long time and I am taking control of my life at last. I would recommend working this way without hesitation – it has worked for me on so many levels!’
Rhona U.
Introducing Sally Baker and PSTEC
 Sally will show you how to take a power word and combine it with PSTEC (Percussive Suggestion Technique), an easy finger tapping energy protocol developed by Tim Phizackerley which is similar – but not the same – as EFT) and 
use it to switch the patterns in the brain from fearful, fat and hopeless to…
empowered, peaceful, controlled about eating healthy.
An overwhelming majority of those struggling with weight issues find that emotional eating, comfort eating, over eating, not exercising and poor self care sabotage their best efforts to get slim, says Sally.
“It’s like there is a switch turned off and they can’t seem to do what they need to do to lose weight… or can’t stop doing the things that keep piling on the weight.''
Sally who is in great demand for her specialty of hypno-gastric band sessions, has a holistic approach to weight issues as described in her new book Achieve Your Natural Weight, co-written with Liz Hogon.
What’s more, I credit Sally with kick-starting my own amazing weight loss journey a year ago – so far I have shed more than 50 lbs/22.5kg and feel my healthiest – thanks to a low-carb way of eating that bans flour and sugar products and consists of  tons of  fresh vegetables-plus-a-protein meals.
But it all began with self-work using EFT-Matrix Reimprinting PLUS some PSTEC which I discovered was a new finger-tapping protocol to heal trauma and anxiety and help with bulimia and weight loss (among many other appplications).
Working with Sally I discovered and cleared a VOW I had made as a child to use food for comfort and  to pacify my anger at my father in case I hurt him or others.
Once I had this “break-free-aha moment” with Sally’s help, I was able to find and stick to an eating program that was pe
You won’t want to miss out on learning how effective PSTEC is when used for weight loss success.  Sally Baker is happy to explain it all, as she shares how you can learn a Weight Loss Power Word that has helped Sally’s clients lose weight, reverse diabetes and get slimmer and healthier.

Kind regards,
Tim Phizackerley
Creator of PSTEC

sally Baker
                                                   Sally Baker                                                 PSTEC Therapist                                           London, England

Even with a world between them they have already worked successfully on their first e-book called Achieve Your Natural Weight with a host of video and audio resources; collaborated on their first Iphone App available from the Apple Store called Anxiety Release with PSTEC Magic Sentences; and currently finalizing their latest e-book Live, Fast and Thrive that comes complete with a host of video and audio resources. time Hypnotherapists and Advance PSTEC Practitioners working in their own practices. Liz is in Melbourne, Australia and Sally is in London, England.
Both Sally and Liz have thriving practices where they see clients with a wide range of presenting issues from anxiety and panic attacks, to resolving emotional and stress-eating for successful, enduring weight loss.
They both also work with clients the world over via Skype.